Tomatillo & HoneyDew (Green) Gazpacho

Green Gazpacho

The Gazpacho journey continues!!! Honeydew, jalapeños, and tomatillos come together to make this unique and tasty cold soup! It’s truly delicious and the roasting process involved makes this soup have a sweet Smokey flavor!


  • 1/2 a honeydew melon 🍈 or 2.5 cups cubed

  • 2 jalapeños seeded

  • 6 tomatillos

  • 1.5 mini cucumbers chopped

  • 3 tblsp of olive oil

  • 3 tblsp of red wine vinegar

  • 3 large cloves of garlic

  • 1 shallot

  • 1/2 tblsp of sherry

  • 1 small green bell pepper

  • 1 tblsp Cilantro (optional)

Preheat oven to 425. On a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, place your tomatillos and shallot. The tomatillos have a paper like outer layer, just remove that. The actual skin of the tomatillo is pretty sticky but that will come off with soap and water. Leave the tomatillos whole. Peel the outter layer of oven and cut the shallot in half. Drizzle with olive oil on top. Now Take a small square piece of foil and add 3 peeled garlic cloves to it and drizzle olive oil on them as well. Close that square piece with the cloves inside like you’re making a little pouch. Roast in oven for 30 minutes. When you take out of oven, season the roasted veggies with 1 tsp of salt and 1 tsp pepper.
Cut your jalapeños in half and de-seed.

Do the same with your green bell pepper. You can choose to put in a tablespoon of cilantro but you don’t need it.
In a blender, put in your honeydew melon, cucumber, olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic cloves, bell pepper, jalapeños, tomatillos and sherry. Purée until creamy! Transfer to a bowl and chill for 1 hour or more. Consume within 5 days. The more it sits, the bolder the flavor. Stir it before you serve it if it’s been in the fridge because the honeydew juice will settle at the bottom. Garnish with a drizzle of good olive oil, parmesan crisps, some diced cucumber and cilantro! Enjoy!!!

Tags: #gazpacho #coldsoup #novafoodies #reston #recipeshare #drinkyourveggies


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